Sunday, February 05, 2012
Casey is 2
Casey is 2

Casey is now a two year old! How we got to two so fast is a bit of mystery. All of the sudden our little baby is now a big-boy toddler with as much tenacity, self-assuredness and independence as ever.
Casey continues to be super active. Between him and big brother Cole, mama and daddy are kept quite busy. Casey’s vocabulary is growing with him and he is finding more words every day. Without a doubt, Casey can let you know exactly what he wants (or doesn’t want). He is identifying letters of the alphabet and singing parts of the ABC’s quite well. For as willful as Casey can sometimes be, he still offers hugs and kisses and has some pretty great manners for a two year old.
Casey is approaching the 24 lb. mark. He is definitely on the light side of the weight chart but for as active as he is no one is surprised. Casey has most of his teeth with a few spaces still waiting. Teething is a tough business for Casey so we’ll all be happy when those pearly whites are in place. Casey enjoys eating a pretty wide variety of food. If he had his way, he’d eat turkey dogs, berries and ice pops all the time. Luckily he isn’t in charge of his daily menu completely and has a much more diverse offering of foods than that :) He still isn’t fond of haircuts, doctor appointments or long car rides but loves his taggie book, playing with his trains and finding big trucks and busses on his ride to and from school. All in all, Casey is a true little boy.
Casey continues to attend the Sony Child Development Center and has enjoyed being a part of the Two’s Room for a couple of months already. He loves the routine as well as all of the amazing activities and projects that are offered. This is one kid that does well on an active and full schedule so we are glad to have such a great place to help him thrive.
Casey celebrated his big day with a couple of parties. The first party was on his actual birthday at school with afternoon cupcakes for his classmates. Then Casey enjoyed a little ice cream party at home the next day with some friends and family. All in all, it was a nice weekend filled with happy birthday wishes!
We love Casey so very much and are proud of him! We look forward to another exciting year with our two amazing boys... we couldn’t feel more blessed!
Below is a video recap of the two fun gatherings mentioned above.
Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
Christmas 2011
Better late than never.
Christmas may have been more than a month ago but we still are holding a bit of that special spirit in our hearts as we eagerly anticipated the Christmas post.
This holiday season was wonderful this year as both of the boys were showing excitement as the countdown to Santa's visit ticked on. Joined by Nana and Pop Pop visiting from Arizona and Auntie Pat from Davis along with the local Oma and Zeydeh, the house was full of hustle and bustle and Christmas morning couldn't come soon enough.
When it did the boys found a bounty of gifts under the tree including Rock and Roll Elmo and ABC Big Bird for Casey and Star Wars toys, Legos and a cool guitar for Cole. Being such a wonderful brother Cole was quick to share his guitar with his younger brother (he didn't have much choice) and Casey was able to present his musical talents for all to hear.
Overall it was a fantastic Christmas but over too quickly. Below is a recap of the great day.
Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Christmas may have been more than a month ago but we still are holding a bit of that special spirit in our hearts as we eagerly anticipated the Christmas post.
This holiday season was wonderful this year as both of the boys were showing excitement as the countdown to Santa's visit ticked on. Joined by Nana and Pop Pop visiting from Arizona and Auntie Pat from Davis along with the local Oma and Zeydeh, the house was full of hustle and bustle and Christmas morning couldn't come soon enough.
When it did the boys found a bounty of gifts under the tree including Rock and Roll Elmo and ABC Big Bird for Casey and Star Wars toys, Legos and a cool guitar for Cole. Being such a wonderful brother Cole was quick to share his guitar with his younger brother (he didn't have much choice) and Casey was able to present his musical talents for all to hear.
Overall it was a fantastic Christmas but over too quickly. Below is a recap of the great day.
Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)