Saturday, January 29, 2011
Super Baby
As Casey inches closer to his first birthday (5 days and counting) he is beginning to reveal his true colors to the rest of us. While he may seem to be a mild mannered, happy child it is not truly known what he does under the cover of darkness... until now

Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)

Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Christmas 2010
A baby's first Christmas and a 4 1/2 year old who is in his prime of enjoying all that Santa has to offer meant that we were in for a memorable Christmas in 2010.
Blessings were abound as we approached the holidays this year. Our build was nearing completion and while the job is not fully done we were able to move into our new family room in the days leading up to Christmas. This was met with great joy as we were not forced to celebrate Christmas all jammed in the master bedroom which had been doubling as the family room during the last few months. Nana and Pop Pop made the trek out from Arizona and Oma and Zeydeh helped celebrate the special day as well.
Cole, who had been on his best behavior for the past month was extremely excited and Casey was intrigued by the gifts and the noise that the wrapping paper made. After tracking Santa all day on the Norad website and calling in to talk to an Elf who gave us a heads up as to when Santa would be arriving in Burbank the boys went to sleep with little fuss and before you know it Christmas morning had arrived.
Below are highlights from the day...
Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Blessings were abound as we approached the holidays this year. Our build was nearing completion and while the job is not fully done we were able to move into our new family room in the days leading up to Christmas. This was met with great joy as we were not forced to celebrate Christmas all jammed in the master bedroom which had been doubling as the family room during the last few months. Nana and Pop Pop made the trek out from Arizona and Oma and Zeydeh helped celebrate the special day as well.
Cole, who had been on his best behavior for the past month was extremely excited and Casey was intrigued by the gifts and the noise that the wrapping paper made. After tracking Santa all day on the Norad website and calling in to talk to an Elf who gave us a heads up as to when Santa would be arriving in Burbank the boys went to sleep with little fuss and before you know it Christmas morning had arrived.
Below are highlights from the day...
Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Monday, January 03, 2011
Casey @ 11 Months
Casey is 11 months old today! It's been a fun month with the holidays and a little down time. Casey has been honing all his latest skills as well!
Casey is now a super crawler (fast!) and has the cruising thing down. Don't turn your back or you'll miss him. If he sees an open door, he's through it in no time flat! Leave the remote control within his reach and the channel will be changed before a big brother can say' "What happened to Kick Buttowski?!" Surprisingly, Casey will now finally take a few seconds to sit. For a while we weren't sure that Casey COULD actually sit on his own. All were getting a little concerned but Mom and Dad's suspicions were confirmed that he could, indeed, sit. Previously he didn't stop long enough to actually practice the task. If he gets his little hands on a piece of electronics however he will now sit and explore it... for a few seconds anyway.
Casey is great a waving hello and good bye, he'll blow an occasional kiss, play a mean game of peak-a-boo and still likes to sing "if you’re happy and you know it...". Perhaps the high-five and knuckles are next. Casey still has just his cute little bottom two center teeth with no others making an appearance yet. The drool has turned on again these last few days so who knows what will show up in the next month. Maybe he'll get a couple more for his one year birthday? A few more chompers would be good timing as Casey is pretty much done with baby food. As we deplete our last stash of little containers, we don't think we’ll be restocking.
Casey and Cole enjoyed a nice Christmas! Santa was good to them as evidenced by all the new stuff. Pop Pop and Nana came to visit for a few days and the whole crew got together (Oma and Zeydeh too) for Christmas dinner. Casey enjoyed the company of the whole family but big brother Cole especially missed his grandparents when they left to head back home (we are sure that Pop Pop misses wrestling and chasing Cole as much as Cole does).
We are now counting down the days to Casey's first birthday and continuing to enjoy every day we have with him!!
As always... here is the updated look back at 10 months

Here is a glance at Casey's progression over the past 10 months

And finally... a look at Cole at 11 months next to his 11 month old brother.

Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Casey is now a super crawler (fast!) and has the cruising thing down. Don't turn your back or you'll miss him. If he sees an open door, he's through it in no time flat! Leave the remote control within his reach and the channel will be changed before a big brother can say' "What happened to Kick Buttowski?!" Surprisingly, Casey will now finally take a few seconds to sit. For a while we weren't sure that Casey COULD actually sit on his own. All were getting a little concerned but Mom and Dad's suspicions were confirmed that he could, indeed, sit. Previously he didn't stop long enough to actually practice the task. If he gets his little hands on a piece of electronics however he will now sit and explore it... for a few seconds anyway.
Casey is great a waving hello and good bye, he'll blow an occasional kiss, play a mean game of peak-a-boo and still likes to sing "if you’re happy and you know it...". Perhaps the high-five and knuckles are next. Casey still has just his cute little bottom two center teeth with no others making an appearance yet. The drool has turned on again these last few days so who knows what will show up in the next month. Maybe he'll get a couple more for his one year birthday? A few more chompers would be good timing as Casey is pretty much done with baby food. As we deplete our last stash of little containers, we don't think we’ll be restocking.
Casey and Cole enjoyed a nice Christmas! Santa was good to them as evidenced by all the new stuff. Pop Pop and Nana came to visit for a few days and the whole crew got together (Oma and Zeydeh too) for Christmas dinner. Casey enjoyed the company of the whole family but big brother Cole especially missed his grandparents when they left to head back home (we are sure that Pop Pop misses wrestling and chasing Cole as much as Cole does).
We are now counting down the days to Casey's first birthday and continuing to enjoy every day we have with him!!
As always... here is the updated look back at 10 months

Here is a glance at Casey's progression over the past 10 months

And finally... a look at Cole at 11 months next to his 11 month old brother.

Much more to come to the new
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)