Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Mid Week Pics
Here are some mid week pictures
Big Grin
Smirky... he knows something we don't
For those keeping track, Cole had his 2 month Dr appt last week and weighed in at 12lbs 3oz (almost double the birth weight) and was 24 inches long (3 inches longer than at birth).
Cole is giving us a lot to work with in the content department so we should have some good posts coming up.
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Have you heard about....
Here is a quick video taste of Cole's hot topic issues of the day.
Keep coming back!!!
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
2 Months Old
Two months... wow. We can say that the second month went a lot faster than the first. This fact can most likely be attributed to the fact that Cole is now on a bit more of a schedule... key phrase being "a bit". Cole has been growing and bulking up this past month with his bottles becoming larger and larger. Tomorrow Cole will be weighed and measured at his Dr appointment and we will see just how much mass he has put on. The over/under is 11 1/2 lbs.
Cole is very observant and likes watching what is going on around him. He still loves his ceiling fans which can be quite a calming tool when he is unhappy. His neck muscles continue to develop as he now often lifts his head up while partaking in "tummy time".
Cole is now beginning to "talk" to us and let us know just what he is thinking. More often than not he greets us with a grin and starts to "coo" when we enter his room in the morning. The smile on a baby is one of the coolest thing that exists.
While Cole rarely naps during the day (which keeps his Mom on her toes) he has hit a bit of a stride when it comes to sleeping at night. He often goes down between 6-7pm and now sleeps until 2-3am when he gets a bottle and goes back down until around 6am. This has been a welcome change and allows Mom and Dad to get a few extra winks at the night time... we only hope this continues :)
Below is a glimpse at how Cole has grown over the past few months.
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Late afternoon photo session
"The Sophisticated Man About Town"

"The Comic Relief Sidekick"

"The Brooding Heartthrob"

Still seeking reprsentation :)
Next up... Cole meets his first cousin, once removed (had to look that one up).
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Monday, August 21, 2006
"Smiley" Cole Black
EXTREME close up of Smiley Cole

Cole caught in the middle of a laugh... what makes him laugh you ask??? The ceiling fan... he loves it.

As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Konichiwa - Visitors from Japan
This is the first time Christina and the boys have met Cole (however they were familiar with his progress due to an unnamed blog source).
Capturing a photo op with a 4 year old and a 2 year old is not the easiest task but we did our best.
Christina, Sean, Cole and Nick (as Spider-Man)

Christina, Cole and Sean (who appears to be "busting a move")

Christina, Sean and Cole... again

Sean and his friend Charlie Brown (according to Sean, "we're the same size")

Lots of photos recently.. more posts coming soon.
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Bath Time
Watch a bit of Cole during "Bath Time"
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Another Friend
What is a visit without pictures.
Cole and Quinn

Cole, Quinn, Mom and Julie (and a little piece of Cooper)

As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Friday, August 04, 2006
Lay'n Around
Here is a video that captures a bit of his activity. Life moves pretty fast... if you don't stop and look around once in a while.. you could miss it
As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Nanas and Pop Pops and Stiefvaters... Oh My
They were quick to offer to hold him if Mom or Dad needed a break and took great joy in the simple act of watching him sleep.
Nana and Pop Pop Black with Cole

The Burbank Black's and the Sierra Vista Black's

Cole was also able to met some old family friends when the Stiefvater girls stopped by for a quick visit and enjoyed hearing all about Mary's recent movie shoot in Hawaii!!
Dad and Cole (w/ his first set of bunny ears) flanked by Mary and Kate Stiefvater

All those visitors and friendly faces makes for a tired by happy baby

As you may have noticed some of the previous posts are no longer showing up on the main page here. To view older posts click on the archive links to the right. They are broken down by month.
Enjoy your day and as always, feel free to drop us a line or leave a comment below (where is says "comment"... who'd a thunk it)